
the ABA used to have "3 to make 2"

I'd like to start and end with a couple of positive things, but in the meantime I'm "gonna hit ya" with some old school "Ailing Ry-ry" stuff that can't wait until the end of Lent (because I'll forget).

It's only 5 days since Wifey's birthday, but I cannot let her awesomeness go by (I don't want her getting too big an ego so I try to praise her too many times in succession, even if deserved). She was a great partner to me tonight - she came home from running in prep for a half marathon and let me go to the cell phone place to look into new phones since mine is going caput as fast as can be, then she made dinner which I ate as soon as getting back. She also got online and found and purchased the phone we think is going to be best for our plan. Oh, and she did the dishes (my usual time to enjoy some radio or podcasts) & got Meavy's stuff ready for daycare tomorrow, all while I watched a loveumentary about Apple and Steve Jobs (those people really love that machine and guy). Niice.

However I do have a couple of things to complain about (shocker!).
1) bruised pinky finger (it feels so manly to write out the word "pinky")
2) throwing up last night was bad enough, but it's making me rethink my enjoyment of smoking an occasional cigar
3) I've still got the taste of bad smoke and sickness stuck in my throat all day - yuck
4) seriously... does no one else hear that ringing sound? It's like there's a constant small gong being rung about 200 yards away. You don't hear that? So frustrating!

Wifey checked on the kid tonight, like she always does before going to bed and I'm glad I followed her up there because we had to change out the sheets and clothes of the little one. She threw up earlier (I know the feeling) and it was all over her bed and it stunk especially bad for the fact it had been just sitting there for a couple of hours and fermenting. The good thing is that we seem to either blessed or lucky or something to have such minor problems and we tend to work really well together.

Can't wait til Lent is over? Join the club and hold your breath for Mon. This lovey-dovey stuff has been fine, but it's costing me readers.

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