
Cutie Pie, the second?

I have a propensity to call myself Cutie Pie. I think it's somewhat humorous and breaks the ice when I speaking to someone (a lady) on the phone for the first time, and helps me with being remembered if needed. Sometimes the co-workers hear it and it makes them laugh. And then sometimes the Wifey is with me, and it makes her laugh. And then sometimes it just makes me feel good about myself... like boobs make me feel good
(side note, did you know that when I give blood, I get freaked out by the needle going in my arm, so I turn my head and think about boobs? True story).

So now I have a problem with the Cutie Pie nickname.

I accidentally started calling my 4 1/2 month daughter the same thing when we were playing the other day. Now I don't know what to do... do I keep calling her that? Do I switch quickly to another name so she doesn't get used to it? DO I just suck it up and let her share in the nickname and call her Cutie Pie II? Maybe I should not call myself that anymore, no matter what I call her. You tell me who's cutie-er:

I'm pretty cute.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I think you should call her Sweet Pea or Pumpkin or whatabout Sweetie Pie. Definitely keep Cutie Pie for yourself.