However, once we left the clutches of the idiots and their cohorts of SouthCan'tFly, we had a great time on the ground. DC was probably the best place I've lived so far, and the hosts we had while there this time were absolutely great to Wifey & I. Dr. Blondie, Funky Mama, and "unnamed hubbies", many thanks to you for your generosity and lovely spirit you provided us while in town. - And to all those who know "Wifey", please know that I am fully aware that I am nothing without Wifey; that she is the kind of "Saving Grace" that a poor shlub like me needs to put them on the "correct track"; and many thanks for being so nice to her that your are nice to me. You are truly appreciated. Mazel Tov.
Don't get me wrong, owning a home in the East Nasty is good, but living in DC was pretty awesome. Even for a guy who couldn't care less about the government bodies - at least until they piss me off, that would bring something on to the ailing Ry-ry. So we saw some great people the whole time we visited, and I enjoyed seeing all the old pals, but there was something missing, because, let's be honest, there always is, and this time I think it was the mere fact that we would never be back for good to this fine city that saved me from being completely happy with our trip.
That's not to say that The Ry-ry was at any time during the trip unwell. He was not. In fact, lots of wonderful things passed while we were in DC - the Nats game on Fri night (which was one 10-0 including three home runs), where Wifey got to eat the rupugnant chili fries (which were reported to have tasted wonderful) Here's a pic:

Look, I know what you're thinking: "Not so bad, I'd love to have the same perks as The Ry-ry"... but it's not that easy. They're are all kinds of annoyances The Ry-ry leaves so as not to bore the reader. But really, it is pretty good.
Also, as a bit of non-coherence rambling, do note that Ry-ry (not always "The") is about to grow up even more, and thus more complaining is to come soon. So suck on that, (gentle) readers"
1 comment:
Ry-ry, I had no idea that you disliked Southwest Airlines so much, but I'm glad that you and Amy made it here and home safely. Come back to visit anytime! You're always welcome at Hotel Thomas!:)
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