So you're wondering "What the hell am I reading? This is not what I came here to read. Stupid house problems? Pth! Don't CARE!!" Well, let me tell you wise reader... Good point. You want to know what's Ailing the Ry-ry? I'll tell you. I got the heat in my pants. My loinal (nice, new word) area has so much friction that I place copious amounts of baby powder (not talc powder because I have the baby-soft skin). And then there's the overall heat, over the whole body. I can't wear the 3-year old beautiful watch my wife gave me on our wedding day because I don't like the sweat running down the top of the hand to the fingers. I met

And then there's feet. Today I'm wearing a pair of shoes that I usually wear with socks, but earlier this summer I decided I'd like to not wear socks for as long as possible through the summer. So the heels are getting scraped the F up all day, especially on the left foot. Damned SOCKS!

That's all for now, but you've spurned my ire and I'm feeling more posts to come again soon.
PS -
Please take my poll and let your friends vote, too. Thanks. RT
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