
hot air

It may be hard to believe, but I've been really busy this week with work, and after work I've not wanting to go upstairs to the computer due to the hot, hot heat due to the lack of the air conditioner. So I was thinking that I was doing well, no real ailments. But then I discovered that the new sauna we'd unintentionally had installed upstairs is what's ailing the Ry-ry. Damned air conditioner is the key. Here's a picture, but the computer is just to the left of the frame. We are supposed to have someone come out today and take a look (the second time already in this young summer month), but have yet to hear from anyone at the great Unnamed HVAC company.

So you're wondering "What the hell am I reading? This is not what I came here to read. Stupid house problems? Pth! Don't CARE!!" Well, let me tell you wise reader... Good point. You want to know what's Ailing the Ry-ry? I'll
tell you. I got the heat in my pants. My loinal (nice, new word) area has so much friction that I place copious amounts of baby powder (not talc powder because I have the baby-soft skin). And then there's the overall heat, over the whole body. I can't wear the 3-year old beautiful watch my wife gave me on our wedding day because I don't like the sweat running down the top of the hand to the fingers. I met a guy last weekend who, like me, was using a sweat towel at the outdoor party. Cool guy, but he had me by about 100 pounds, and I prefer to think I'm not as sweaty as 300 pound guy on a regular basis. Alas, it's ailing the Ry-ry.

And then there's fe
et. Today I'm wearing a pair of shoes that I usually wear with socks, but earlier this summer I decided I'd like to not wear socks for as long as possible through the summer. So the heels are getting scraped the F up all day, especially on the left foot. Damned SOCKS!

That's all for now, but you've spurned my ire and I'm feeling more posts to come again soon.

PS -
Please take my poll and let your friends vote, too. Thanks. RT

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