Yeah so, that's

for about a week now, and I was sitting on this, but with the new thing I found last night I though I'd combine the two here. Now, on the upper arm up by my awesome bicep (as seen in the pic to the left) near the first T in tattoo there are a couple of "bumps" that may or may not be acne. I'd like to think it's not and some sort of rash. That would play better, I think.
Going to a wedding this weekend, so I hope all this crap isn't made obvious when I wear my awesome suit (that's a suit that is awesome, not a suit with a large A emblazoned where a crest would be - but I'd like that if you could hook me up. Someone else: "Nice suit. What's the A stand for? Did you go to Arizona U?" Me: "It's A for Awesome. Wanna see my Tattoo?" Man I would love to have that exchange.)
what does tattoo stand for?
Ry-Ry no complaints in 3 days you are a slacker in complaints. But glad you are healthy
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