
this arm thing is getting worse?

I mentioned in a previous post that I have this arm rash thing on the inside of the right elbow, and it seems like it's gone from the size of a pinky finger nail, to the size of the pinky down to the second joint. What the hell is that? I put some triple antibiotic on it, and there's no itching or anything that would alarm a person with little concern for their own personal health and safety, people unlike me. But I don't know what to make of it, except that when I get diagnosed with cancer, all you who make fun of me will wish you hadn't made fun, and you'll probably cry the way little babies do when "mommy come back no more." Ha! Suck on that doubting Thomas!

1 comment:

diana onorio funk said...

I'm thinking it's totally fatal. Or not at all. One of the two, anyway.