I could have sworn the title pretty much described what's going on here, but Wifey seems to think I should exemplify the blog in this portion. So here goes: I will explain what pain I'm feeling, and hopefully the fun stuff surrounding that affliction. Hope you enjoy my irritations, you sadistic jackbitch.
sshhh.. nothing's going on
Don't tell Wifey (who could never get enough credit for putting up with me) but there wasn't much wrong with the Ry-ry today. All day. Couldn't believe it myself. Casino was on this morning when we got back from brunch - I wasn't too stuffed - and a nap was had. Later we stepped out for Las Peletas )the best frozen treats in Nashville - Mexican popsicles) and I still had no further maladies. I'm trying, but I got nothing. -----> Some pic I found of monkeys eating paletas. niice!
Aww... but then we got home and decided to have mojitos and a fish dinner. I thought for sure we were heading down a path to the complaint dept. But alas, no infirmity to report.
Finally, Wifey went to bed and the problems ensued. See, when she goes to bed and I don't have to work the next day, the ol' Ry-ry can get himself into a li'l trouble with the alcohol. With that in mind I went upstairs to download the Once soundtrack (really good movie by the way), and knowing I've no idea what my limits (even though I'ma grown-ass man), I stepped it up with a glass of water (boo!).Ahh... but then finally something happened... While getting the music, I listened to some Ben Folds and came across the song Still Fighting It. This song is my own personal kryptonite. It's like the end of the movies Rudy or Field of Dreams for most guys - every guy that had a father that is - (just about every male will break down when he hears the line "Dad, wanna have a catch?" Hell I'm tearing up just writing it) Pop ->- and if you know what I'm, talking about, great you'll know what I mean when you hear this song.
SO that's what's hurting on me today, the salty discharge leak around my eyes. Oh, and the tooth pains that have yet to subside, the headaches and the cuts on various parts of my body, all from that damned fall last weekend. Rock on!
My wife is constantly pointing out that I seem to have new ailment each day and I was thinking, "Woe is me, my wife should really take care of me."
Are my ailments real? Am I just a complainer? Am I just a boy? Whatever it is, I decided to keep track of my ailments here. Stay tuned to see if my ailments increase because of their new fame, stay the same, or decrease because they're not really real at all.
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