Wifey is amazing^ as a wife, mother and, in general as a person. She provides loving and strong care to our 1 year old and me, and is one of the people who can put up with me and reign me in (as needed) to where others can stand to be around me as well, and for that I am eternally grateful. I'm also appreciative for my sister who went to school in California and provided me the opportunity to meet and get to know Wifey (you can ask if you don't know, but chances are you already know the score).
There is not enough I could ever say here or to her in person that would make it clear how much I love Wifey, but I relish the chance to try several times throughout each year for the rest of my life.
And one more thing, Wifey is doing a half marathon soon, and though I do not care for the sport, I support her wholly and look forward to seeing her beat her best time so far in Jackson, TN. Go Babe!
^ = Thanks MTV for making this word completely meaning less by allowing every vidiot on your station use this to the detriment of society. Way to edit out extraneous crap from the show. Also, you couldn't provide them with a thesaurus to help with this problem. Oh that's right, most MTVians don't read.
Thanks babe.
Very sweet post, Ry-ry. I love the sentimental side of the Taylors!:)
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