
tongue in cheek? tongue in something

I think one of the best qualities I possess is also one of my worst. I have the aptitude to be able to forget bad things in a blink of an eye. Of course, that also means that I have little to no chance of remembering an important detail that would make my life that much easier.

So I can have a really bad day or moment, and in the time it takes me to turnaround and get going in a different direction, I will probably have forgotten what was so bad. (Hell, I forgot what I was writing three times during this sentence.) And today I had a bit of a stumble this morning, I think, but can't recall at all what it may have been. Niic

And today I listened to a story about the Greek financial problems, and how there are protests, and a palpable tension in the large cities as daily life is gone about... and I think to myself, at least we're not in Greece.

Whatever... I'll forget soon enough and it'll be off to the something something

Rock and!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another brilliant post. Keep them something.