
my niceness has a limit

Per one of the dedicated few, I'd like to have you know in this second post of the day (Thank you, technicality) that I'm not feeling well all the time. I played some frisbee Sunday, and my left knee (surgically repaired a year ago) has been aching all day. "Mommy, I got an ouchie in my knee-ball."

Let's not forget some of the other pain I've been playing with:
- a constant neck malady (That's my neck... red = pain)

- a right arm I'm trying to rehab so I can be ready for the upcoming softball season (and I'm turning Japanese - AHH!)
- a full-bodied itch I think was brought on by all the cold weather
(I wish I had this many arms to scratch with)

- a TV DVR monopolized by the Wifey with shows I couldn't care less about (that's me on the arm of the chair, in a subservient manner)

- a finger nail that was broken while making dinner tonight
(look at me, I'm a badass. Like my helmet?)

AAAHHHHH!!!!! I'm in the throes of misery!! Somebody help me!!!

(I love 'em but, my team is not actually #1)

Happy Joe-bear?


Unknown said...

Love you big guy.

Katie said...

My neck hurts too and it's awful. I hope we are both doing better soon.