The Ulitmate Frisbee games have been happening on Thurs nights and Sun morning recently. And last Sun I played with just 4 other people, and had been out until 4 in the AM on Sat night. So as the game got started, I could feel I was dragging a bit - the mind was willing, the body was not - and I recalled a baseball game as a kid I had to sit out after getting hit in the nose with a baseball during the warm-up. As the game went on, I thought about the baseball incident a little more and more, and made extra pains to pick my feet up when running so as not to fall down, and make sure I left enough room between my opponents so as not to hurt anyone else. And then at about three-fourths of the way through the game I was all by myself chasing after a floating disc that was coming back towards me at a dangerous angle. I raised my hands (yes both of them), and I was dismayed to see the disc get to my hands, go right on past them and smack me on the mouth. Damn it. What the hell is wrong with me? So all that to say this: my lip hurts. Not the whole thing, just the top lip. Just the right side, too. Just the upper right portion of the lip from the 3rd tooth over to about the 5th tooth on the upper portion of the mouth hurts. I see now why Wifey had me start this blog.

1 comment:
Poor Ry-ry!
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