(new best friend, under my protest)
I don't see my Buddy enough. He was my Best Man at my wedding (yes, to Wifey), and the guy I knew would serve such a role since I met him back in 1994. He's a great guy. And was the absolute best Best Man I've ever seen - he's great at giving speeches (especially to a large crowd - like a wedding), commanding at giving away a friend's money (to the Priest for the ceremony), a spectacularly calming force in a nerve-racking situation like a wedding day (whereas another of my friends suggested that if I wanted to run, he had a car running and waiting to go far, far away - Thanks, Joe), and he is decisively the best host of a Bachelor Party EVAH! So, I just wanted to have it noted that I love my Best Man, and hope is enjoying this evening, another in the long line of Sept. "Jimmy Shaker Days" - sweet, sweet Jimmy Shaker....

And another thing... and this actually belongs in the "Ailing" blog....
Why can't we live in Australia? Or New Zealand, or even Italy or one of those European countries that are considered "not so crazy"? I don't want to become citizen of another country, or anything, but I want Cutie 2 to be better off than me, and the only thing that could have been better than my childhood would have been to be raised with an understanding of the world. I had a good time getting to travel around America when I was a kid, and then a little more when I got older, and if Wifey hesitate Cutie 2 may be stuck without that experience and all because I didn't stay in school. Meanwhile, if we move now we could give her that opportunity, but if not we may be damning her to a closed campus because of her parents doing, and I don't want to do that to her. At least not yet. She can't speak and when she mutters aloud it's too adorable to think anything other than cute dreams of her so far.

So to sum up, it goes:
- Vote for Nate

- I feel inadequate about my being able to provide a full living experience to Maevy.

Sweet. Let's get wasted.
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