We made it to the movie (after a couple of fantastic Yazoo beers at the BBQ ), but I had to bolt out of there as soon as it was over because I was getting the chills (probably running a fever), and shivering in the cold ass theater. So when we got to Nate's place, I had one drink and knew before I finished it I had to go home. That really sucks because we don't get to hang out that often, and this was one of those times Wifey was into it what with the Eppler clan being in attendance and getting to hear some good stories. I tried to hold out as lon as I could, but it wasn't as long as Iwould have liked.
Well, anyways, this morning I felt OK enough to go to work, but as the day drags on (and the OTC drugs wear off), I'm starting to feel the death rattle that is the Swine Flu. I'm getting chills and shivers. A headache is beginning to crack my cranium, like the teethe cutting through Cutie Pie 2's lower gums. And the achy joints and back are setting in as well.
Now, I'm going to take some more drugs, but I don't like to do it.

I am weak.
PS - I may have taken the "man" token out of context. I do not care.
1 comment:
You really think you have H1N1? This is the first time hearing this????
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