including the weed-eating, then the rain barrel I've been putting off was finally assembled

and lastly I fixed a leak under the kitchen sink.

That's three times more than I usually do in a summer evening, and about three hundred times more than I usually get done during the average weekend. That means I have the gumption of a koala bear,

I don't mind that usually, but as I am now used to doing nothing each night, I have established a pattern, and that pattern is bad. So, when I do finally get off my keister, I feel like I should be doing that every day. All things considered, I suck. But I might get better... right?
How about the days when I'm supposed to watch Maevy while Wifey works out after work... what can I do on those days to feel productive? Tonight I'm going to try and remember to pick some herbs from the garden for the neighbor Mr. Woods, and make sure I've got the sink actually fixed (as Wifey was telling me it was not quite leak-free). And I'll keep an eye on the little one with one of those handy baby holders. Should I use this

or this:

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