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You might think I'd be elated about the Nats winning in New York, but I've found a reason to be upset with the game. A couple of reasons, actually. Where to begin, how about with the lame duck manager, Manny Acta.
Probably a man who'll be losing his job next Mon, between the Toronto and Red Sox seriesesesesss. At least one hopes. And why do I want him gone? Becuase he does have the ability to leave a pitcher in the game past the 5th inning, but fails to do so unless he's in an American League ballpark. Weak. I realize the Nats starting pitchers aren't exactly cocksmen with the bats, but c'mon! you can't waste a really good outing by a nice young starter and give it to a bullpen that close a door, much less a tight game. And who comes in to hit for the pitcher who can't hit...?... A pinch hitter who can't hit. Probably one of our upmteen outfielders who isn't good enough to play on a regular basis, or Josh Willingham (who should be playing, but is kept out by the desire to have the fat load Dunn
in left field because he can hit homeruns, not because he track and catch a simple fly ball slightly to his left) who is limited to the one at bat in this situation. Not cool, Acta, not cool.
And then there's the fact that they're playing in the AL during the season at all. I despise Interleague play like a kid hates bedtime. I hate it like men hate Kate Gosselin. It's the WORST. Bud Selig is the WORST. -
Hey Bud, take your bad hair piece and go back to selling used cars.
I'm not going to start waving my trophy from the Stink Contest just yet.
And I have to someday explain this to my daughter...

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