
throat still & a crink in the neck

This throat thing will not leave me alone. I've been coughing intermittently for the last 3 days or so, and I'm not down with that. Look at this picture I took of myself in that act of coughing. Can you see the discomfort? You should be able to see it. It's in the puffy cheeks.
But do not worry about The Ry-ry, I was able to put on my makeup and flatten my long red hair for the night out in a red dress. See...

Looking good.

And one other thing, a co-worker of mine has complained about a headache all day long, to which I replied that I do as well. And I did at the time, and even thought to myself that I would note it here on the blog. By now I'm thinking it's passed and that I don't need to have it spelled out here. So in closing, I don't have a headache now, but I did earlier. And I reserve the right to bellyache about any future head aches I may experience. So you got that going for you.


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