
head, knee, inner head

You wanna know what's wrong today? I'll tell you. The fact that I forgot to put the coconut in the rice last night. That would have tasted so good with the (too) spicy shrimp lettuce wraps. Alas, I'll have all day to think about how I had the opportunity to make a good meal better, especially because Wifey reminded me as I was making the meal. DOH!

Seriously, and aren't I always serious here, We got a little headache forming and some knee pain in the left knee. But the biggest thing I've got to contend with today is nerves. Got a big round of golf to play this weekend (yes I nknow that I haven't played golf since tearing the ACL, and that just a
couple of weeks after Tiger Woods wins the US Open ona torn ACL and broken leg, but that's neither here nor there). I'm not a good golfer, but I enjoy it. And this weekend I'm playing my big brother and my sister-in-law's boyfriend - heretofore called "Matt". I don't know his real name, because it's not really something that affects me, yet. When I meet him later today, it'll matter, but now, not so much. I'm hoping he looks somewhat like John Daly - shown here in mid-swing - looking GOOD!

I've proposed that we gamble a couple of duckets on each hole, but these two are being pansies - shocker, and don't want to lose money. Well, truth be told, I'm going to be the only who would actually be losing any money. Suckers. So, we've settled on a drinking game of one shot for each shot over par (3 max). Of course, I'll be losing in strokes, but I'll be winning in spirit. Niice. FORE!

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