
tired and hungry

There is this head I have that juts up from the shoulders, supported by a lovely neck (and by lovely I mean not quite covered by jowls... yet). And in this head, along with various mental blocks and illnesses, is an ache. That's right, I just wrote the most flowery version of the word "headache"... EVER. Another example of the awesomeness. Thanks for the applause.

Well along with the headache, which I am assuming comes from the hunger as I'm also experiencing the pangs of hunger, there is a bout of general malaise slowly rolling like molasses through the ol' Ry-ry.
So if I was a baby and crying, you would just start checking off the three things they wail about - hungry, tired, and with a dirty diaper - and soon I'd be happy. Please note the cute Before & After pics... or die.

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