And last week, I wasn't able to to post because I was bent over in pain from t
So, let me tell you what is not Ailing the Ry-ry. The lovely Wifey is what's keeping the Ry-ry sane. We just celebrated our 3rd Anniversary, and happier I could not be. I will not speak for her, though, as I'm pretty sure that my enthusiasm would be met her trademarked straight-faced hatefulness... I mean thoughtfulness. Not hateful. Really, she's quite lovely. There were many great things that happened while we visited Paducah, KY, not the least of which was the winning of the Grand Prize by the Wifey. A raffle for those partook in the "Tourist for a Day" program (Details of which I will not bore you to death with) resulting in our prize package including $200 of Gift Certs. and a couple of T-shirts. Sweet. Good work, Wifey. Love you, and thanks for putting up with all my complaining.
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