
feet and legs and thighs, oh my

Today has not been a good day. Yesterday, Wifey and I participated in a glorified scavenger hunt (she prefers it to be called a one-day, one-city Amazing Race) which took us around downtown Nashville for about 2:30 hours. On foot. With challenges mixed in. I'm sure you already know where this headed, but here goes, starting at the bottom:
We got a right foot blister on the upper heel. I'll probably make it through eventually, but it does hurt today. That left foot toe thing that I thought might be ingrown may have been, and in a
quiet moment after Ushering at the Sounds game (oh yeah, did that too last night) at home I popped that bad boy and a fistful of pus came out. Ewww gross.

So up from there, we've got the sore knees and thigh muscles on both legs. It's really ridiculous how much we walked/ran to get back to within a block from where we st
arted the race. Do not get me wrong, we had a great time doing this race, but I thought I am in better shape than I was on display yesterday. It's so bad that at the finish line ( a bar, thank GOD) while we sat around and talked to other competitors, I kept asked nearly every other group whether we'd made the right choice by going around a certain large hill as opposed to over it. Mercifully, they answered either "yes" or some sort of non answer which got me thinking about another topic; otherwise I'd be on here letting you know that along with all the physical aching, I've also got the mental anguish. By the way, I love the pic of the "knee pain" to the left. And the one just below is me today. Well, not really. No, in fact, this morning we went to church. And while I love receiving the grace of GOD, I'm not a big fan of kneeling the 1800 times during a Mass. But I tell you what, if there is anything being a converted Catholic has taught me, you do not mess around with the kneeling. You can see 90 year olds kneeling every week (and probably more throughout the week) because they know that if you can do it, you'd better.

Anyways, the last thing to tell you about is the nipples. Man I am so sick of these useless relics stuck on my chest as if someday I will breed a child and then they will be necessary. OK, I don't usually even think about my own nipples, but they were in some serious pain late yesterday and
this morning. Not cool. I'd heard tales of men sopping on the petroleum jelly before a race to keep from getting raw nips, but I wasn't in a marathon, I'm in a fun little race around the city. I (foolishly) did not equate the two. So I'm not happy about that, let me tell you. Also, I had to sift through a lot of Google images to get this one pic of a dude with "raw nipples" Yikes!

1 comment:

EAT NAKED said...

Hi Ryan...we met at the race. I was faster than you. Remember?

Your wife sent this to my teammate (Erin) and she sent it to me...and, because I also seem to catch every disease, attract wounds and NEED to tell people about them, I thought I would share MY injuries from Saturday:

1) Four blisters: One on my right big toe. One on my left second toe (the piggy that "stayed home"). And two Siamese blisters on my right heel.

2) A sunburn on the top of my head where my hair-part was.


3) A rope burn on my neck from the bag I was carrying (that's why your wife thought it was a bad idea!)

Oddly enough, the race actually helped my bleeding nipples.