
the Knee

I probably should have busted my cherry with this post since it's an ongoing problem, but the toothache was in my face and thus held my attention. By the way, the pain in the tooth has subsided, or migrated, to the opposite side of my mouth. Great! Now I've got more pain. Ugh.

Anyways, the knee. Yeah, so I've got this torn ACL in the left knee. And it means that I can't play sports until after the surgery. But we put off the surgery until after we purchased the house. So now we've bought a home, and it's saving time. Once we get some money saved up, I'll go under the knife to get this bad boy repaired. But the thing about the torn ACL is the story of how it got torn.
I was playing ball at the "Y" one night, went up for a ball and when I hit the ground, my left knee just kept on going. So I went down like a whiny sack of baby red potatoes, and after a minute, I gathered my senses and thought to myself "[Wifey] would call me a big wuss. I gotta get back up and continue." So I took a quick walk to the dressing room, and about five minutes after having unbeknown-stly tearing the ligament that keeps the tibia from sliding too far to the front of the femur, I (foolishly) judged myself ready to return to the game. I get on the floor and attempt to make the first move at which point I revisit the same potato sack situation. A whiny little girl-like potato sack. It was about that time when I deemed myself no longer to play that night. Wifey was happy to see me that night, let me tell you. She loves when there's any actual ailment and she's not able to dismiss whatever complaint I may have.

So did I mention what type of ball we were playing? Yeah, that's the odd part. It was Dodge ball. Damnit!

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